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dc.contributor.authorGhimpu, Natalia
dc.descriptionGhimpu, Natalia. Project social inclusion of persons deprived of liberty through educational programs (assertive communication – reading and writing therapy, library therapy and e-government) / Natalia Ghimpu // Provocările și oportunitățile în bibliotecile din învățământ în contextul noilor realități: Symposia investigatio bibliotheca, Ed. 13, 20 octombrie 2021, Chişinău. – Chişinău: ULIM, 2021. – P. 24-25.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe general objective we pursued was the training of IT skills for the use of e-services throughout life in order to improve its quality and overcome crisis situations with the help of books and reading (group psycho-reading counseling sessions). The target group was 60 men detained in Penitentiary No. 3, Leova aged 20-57 who were released on parole in 2020. Three groups were formed that received 33 trainings. The project was planned for January - September 2020. But based on the pandemic situation COVID - 19 we started the project in July 2020. The project included three modules - Module I - Assertive communication therapy through reading and writing was provided in partnership with Velea Diana, chief officer, psychologist, Penitentiary no. 3-Leova and who counted 15 trainings. Module II - Library Therapy was provided in partnership with Rodica Verdeș, chief officer, educator, chief inspector of justice, Penitentiary no. 3-Leova and who counted 9 trainings. Module III - eGovernment was provided in partnership with Oxana Sperciuc, chief officer, social worker, senior inspector of justice and who counted 9 trainings. The sessions were organized in offline and online format. Penitentiary No. 3 provided a secure internet connection to chat online. The project was carried out thanks to Mr. Ion Unciuc, head of the Social Reintegration Section of Penitentiary no. 3-Leova, Chief Justice Commissioner who was very open and receptive to the project plan and also took into account the pandemic situation COVID-19. We thank the administration of Penitentiary no. 3-Leova, Eugeniu Caraman, commissioner of justice with whom we worked to contribute to the social inclusion of persons deprived of liberty through educational programs. We thank Mr. Iulian Filip, poet, writer, playwright and folklorist, doctor of philology who organized a discussion with the detainees regarding the importance of the father in the education of children. The detainees requested books and DVDs to learn foreign languages, patriotic novels and motivational books. As partners in the implementation of the project were Elena Pintilei, the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, the Electronic Government Agency and the Institute of Philology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova „B.P. Hasdeu ”. The project was submitted by the League of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova „Alexe Rău".en_US
dc.publisherDepartamentul Informațional Biblioteconomic ULIMen_US
dc.subjectproject social inclusionen_US
dc.subjectpersons depriveden_US
dc.subjectLeague of Librarians of the Republic of Moldova „Alexe Rău"en_US
dc.subjectBiblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldovaen_US
dc.subjectpromovare internaționalăen_US
dc.subjectAgenția de Guvernare Electronicăen_US
dc.subjectcomunicare asertivăen_US
dc.titleProject social inclusion of persons deprived of liberty through educational programs (assertive communication – reading and writing therapy, library therapy and e-government)en_US

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